Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dead Chicken

Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar

Dear Readers,

My pet chicken died on the 6th of November. This is what happened. We went out into the back yard and there was a hawk on Brown Sugar and he was ripping her apart. My dad knew that she was in enough pain so he shot her with a rifle. Then I saw that she was still breathing and I told my Dad the good news and he shot her again. BAM!!! And then he burned her body in the fire pit. And I still have some of her bones today. I cried a lot because I raised her from a day old chick and that's my story. Stupid hawk!

P.S. Daddy did the right thing and I love him.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

the first day.

I am lucky to have a mom who would let me have some space on her blog!

love you mom!!!!